Cleaning and Organising Your Farm House: Tips From Experience

Steps to Efficient Rubbish Removal in a Building Demolition Project

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Demolition projects usually generate a lot of waste, and there is a need to come up with a practical solution to proper collection and disposal. As a demolition project manager, you need to come up with efficient yet sustainable ways of managing waste in your project. Sustainable rubbish removal calls for ensuring that very little waste ends up in the landfill. On the other hand, efficient techniques provide that resources such as time and money are taken into consideration.…

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How to Make Sure Short-Term Tenants Keep Your Property Clean

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Anyone renting out their property for short periods needs to walk a fine line; you can’t risk alienating or annoying tenants by constantly nagging them about cleaning, but neither can you let the place get messy enough to disappoint the next people coming through the door. With this in mind, you need to be able to make sure your short-term tenants will keep the property presentable without having to hound them all the time to make it so.…

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4 Areas of Your Business to Clean During Spring Cleaning

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Spring cleaning is done once a year and provides you with a way to clean areas of your business that are often overlooked. Here are some areas to make sure you clean and disinfect during spring cleaning. Appliances Spring cleaning is the perfect time to clean all of your break room appliances inside and out. These appliances are probably not cleaned often unless you are doing routine maintenance or have an operating problem and need to troubleshoot them.…

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